quote: "if I get up from the chair, where these nearly actualized sensations loll, and step over to the table to write them down, then the words flee, the dramas die, and the vital nexus underlying the rhythmic murmur vanishes, leaving only a distant nostalgia, a vestige of sunlight on faraway mountains, a wind that stirs leaves on the edge of a wilderness, a kinship that's never revealed, the orgy other people enjoy, the woman whom we expect to turn around and look but who never quite exists." (Fernando Pessoa, A Factless Autobiography)
link: Bi-Phobia in Porn (@Hot Movies For Her), Books Most Frequently Stolen: "Flying Off the Shelves" (@The Stranger), Why Don't Publishers Fact-Check Memoirs? (@NY Sun), Kristen Iskandrian: The School (@alice blue review)