Don't talk about it! Don't talk about San Francisco, unless you have to!
Unless it's your answer.
If you didn't live where you live right now, where would you want to live?
A 26-year old Warlem almost-hipster navigates the rocky roads of her smokin' hot life. This includes post-college ennui, the tipping balance between emotional withdrawal and frightening investment, the 1 train, 10-dollar bottles of "drinkable" Pinot Grigio and the gaping holes in her Chuck Taylors. She'd like to lie more often than she does, because honesty is a real bitch.
London. But if I did, I think I'd want to live in New York. And if I got there, I'd want to be in Barcelona. Or Dar es Salaam. Or Tokyo. One day, I'll want to go back home. Home to the snow and the cold sunshine and the rain.
Seville or Tokyo
seattle | berkeley
idk, you tell me.
riese, my aunt lives in berkeley and it is the most magical place on earth except for your apartment. the other day i thought you were gonna move to SF and i got really sad but then i realized i can't be upset if you move to such a wonderful place. so you have my blessing. but also just know that i will probably follow you across the country and settle in vancouver or live with my aunt forevs. or maybe in seattle with laneia.
a certain girlfriend and i had a pretty in depth, practical discussion about heading to CA this summer... and by "heading to" i do mean "moving to and not looking back."
also, this move in theory will be preceded by some kind of crazy, gonzo-style art-making roadtrip
i don't have a place per se, i have a house. i want to live in this house.
annnd, it's in SF. automatic win?
Auckland, New Zealand.
Hope you get a room like you want.
M: I like London too. Tokyo scares me, it's so busy.
BioGal: Do you speak those languages.
laneia, taylor, tess: SF, i am glad that my future roommates desire my desires. laneia look at tess's link, there is a blue door
saint modesto: every time i go to berkeley i feel so peaceful like it makes sense to me. i love vancouver so i would like for you to be there, or to san fransisco to autostraddle house 2010/11.
Claire wilson: me too claire me too
uhoh. instead of doing work at work or doing auto writing at work (like usual) i am grilling my officemate on SF neighborhoods! so much to learn!
"hayes valley
duboce triange
noe valley
cole valley
lower haight"
she said kelsey and i should live in these places. so i guess i'll go ahead and put a down payment on a potential autohouse. my lease is up here in june...yes. now to shake down a psychiatrist so i have a year of meds before i lose my health insurance!
I live in San Francisco, in the Mission, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the whole wide world, even Berlin, which is probably the most magical queer city I've ever been to.
Berkeley is sunnier and calmer than San Francisco, but luckily I love the fog. And the pace. There are also more crazies in Berkeley. But, I suppose we're all crazy then, aren't we?
also I just saw taylor's comment on the neighborhoods and I have to add, being an SF veteran and all, that really the only place you want to live is the mission. MAYBE the haight. but really just the mission. plus the mission is close to BART which is how you get to berkeley :)
the other places on that list (hayes valley, cole valley, noe valley... they're all effing valleys wtf?) are getting so bougie so fast it's so sad.
i recently decided i wanted to live in san francisco. so i'm moving there in may. you should probs do the same.
I always told myself if my life ever got put together I would buy a house in Venice, CA. An older victorian house with a wraparound porch close enough to walk to the beach with some sort of cottage in the back to do screen printing.
PS I hope you get to have your room in Berekely.
Just yesterday, my Bronx-entrenched friend declared that all roads should lead to SF. I concur and hope they soon will.
And trust me, over the last few months, I've had no choice but to make your deceptively simple mantra into a constant:
Don't talk about it! Don't talk about San Francisco, unless you have to!
If I weren't living in Sydney, I'd want to live wherever you were living.
I don't really know what to say, because this idea gives me so many feelings that I can't totally process. I think you should follow your heart and maybe you will make some girl's dreams come true over there. New York allows people to lose themselves and I want you to always be able to find yourself.You will always have a place to crash in NY when you visit.
washington d.c.
I was just in the bay this weekend, I currently live close enough to not actually feel the need to live there. If I could live anywhere it would be San Diego, which may actually happened because most of my family lives there.
having just returned from a week i berkeley during which my loving friends attempted to convince me that i wanted to move there, i can say with 100% confidence that it is a magical place that you would probably love, unless you hate well-meaning, polite, socially conscious, environmentally responsible hippies and organic soap.
I need to be reasonable close to the beach. Valencia, Cadiz, if you twist my arm, Seville, some islands whose names I'll keep to myself.
The Apple is enough to hold me over.
prague..tuscany..fiji.. wherever love takes me.
Moving to Cali?! Nyc will definitely miss u!
I love both coasts but Nyc is the place for me. I was just in San Fran for 2 wks and toward the end I started missing home. The energy u find here is hard to find anywhere else.
When The popular comment layout is common, so it is easily recognized scanning to post a comment. If the comment section is in a different format, then I am going to spend more time trying to decipher what everything means.
get degree
I just moved AWAY from Berkeley. To New Hampshire, which my girlfriend calls the Ugly Little Sister of Vermont. I want to go to Vermont, which I call Little Canada. I heart mountains, and seasons, neither of which Berkeley has.
I think it might be San Francisco (sorry). I'm from NY. Just found out about you via Grace The Spot and then Autostraddle. I don't know. I'm confused.
if i didn't live where i lived, i guess i'd live somewhere. somewhere as opposed to nowhere, where i live now. an astrologer told me the other day that i needed to stop living life passively, that i needed to buckle down and just get over my fears, that they were stupid and crippling. i guess that means i'll start reading the back entries of this blog now. i've avoided it, because your longer entries leave me curled up and crying and i never cry, ever. so here's to bravery and facing fears.
I really like your blog post very much.
Canvas Tarps
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