Little Girl Lost:

So, a public blog.
The kind of blog that someone I ...
1. Dated
2. Share DNA with
3. Sat next to in seventh grade Spanish (or 12th grade spanish...what up Gaia?!!)
4. Lived with in 1998
5. Live with now
6. See every day
7. Work with
8. Have applied to work for
9. Barely even know
10. Is obsessed with me (more people than you would think, seriously)
... can access and read.
I've kept a Livejournal for about 4 years, but the audience for that is fairly limited/intimate.
But--maybe it'll be good for me. I think, especially now, my personality has become kinda fragmented. And although there are far more important things in the world then the Generation X Search for Self, it might be a good idea for me to try to consolidate myself into someone I recognize, and therefore not feel this deep panic when someone random asks to be my friendster.
But I'm fairly certain that every post I make will fall into one of the following 10 categories:
10. So, today I was at ______ [Duane Reade, Gristedes, D'Agostino, Rite Aid] and my service was so bad that I ______ [yelled at the pharmacist,

9. If I ever get cable again, I would talk about the progression of my favorite programs, e.g., America's Next Top Model. Oh wait, except I don't watch that show anymore, it's over for me and Ty-Ty after she booted Kim with a swift kick of utter unfairness and possible homo-phobia, I mean, winner-phobia. I could also talk about The L Word, but the season just ended, or shows that piss me off as a feminist, like Room Raiders (not gay Room Raiders though, which rules) or those shows where women wear shiny dresses and cry a lot over douchebag guys that are seeking a wife who will fill the void left in their hearts following their 1987 Wash U graduation, when they left their Alpha Phi brothers behind.
P.S. Josh Lyman is so fucking dreamy. The West Wing is such government porn. (see photo)
8. Where's my money?
7. I am so funny! Here's what I said today that was funny:______.
7a) My friends are so funny! Here's what they said today that was so funny:______.
7b) Jon Stewart is so funny! KC and Elka from the Planet Podcast are so funny!
6. Links to things I have written, or mentions of things I've written being published.
5. I should stop eating so much candy.
4. Isn't it interesting, how technology has changed our world?
3. I miss _____. [Pretty generous list of people to pick from here.]
2. America is so fucked up! George Bush is dumb! Why can't gay people get married? Nebraska: WTF??!!!
1. I heart ____. (Mary Gaitskill, Eggo Waffles, the skyline, etc.)
omg....we were so brilliant, so ahead of our time, carl b! so Really the last line is brilliant: "again/for the first time". why'd we hook you up with an ugly bitch? maybe i was just a lil jealous.
hey uh, aren't you supposed to live here already?
it seems as though you were hetero when this blog started. josh lyman? really? and who is the marie lyn bernard commenting on riese's posts?
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